The Scales coaching tool

This is a powerful and versatile tool you can use in a single session with coaching clients (or as a self-assessment exercise) to facilitate conversations, track progress and promote self-awareness.

Choose one critical aspect you’re working on, such as confidence or motivation. Rate the current level on a scale of 1 (lowest)  to 10 (highest). Explore the rating a little more by asking your client (or yourself if you’re doing this for you), ‘what’s contributing to your confidence level being at 6 right now? Set a single, achievable goal for the coaching session based on the current rating. If your client’s confidence is at 6, help them plan to reach 7 or 8 during the session. At the end of the session, revisit the scale to see if the rating has changed and why. Encourage your client to incorporate this self-assessment practice into their daily life.


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