Facilitating Workshops Online Course


Learn how to facilitate brilliant online workshops with this self-paced, on-demand training course. Curve Co-Founder Lizzie Shupak takes you through thirteen chapters covering planning and preparation, designing agendas and exercises, managing energy levels and challenging behaviour, what makes a good facilitator and a host of practical tips and tools you can start using straight away.

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Here’s what people say about learning with Curve


"Thanks to all of your excellent tools and guidance, I have come away feeling far more equipped to handle any one of the challenging scenarios touched upon."



"I'd definitely recommend if you're looking for top tips, new ideas and a boost to your confidence in running online workshops.”


“I felt excited and ready to take action, there were so many ideas which inspired me to make my workshops different."


“Brilliant learnings and takeaways! A must for all virtual facilitators!"


"I was able to put my newly gained knowledge into practice just recently and the feedback from my remote workshop participants was very encouraging"